
心脏康复 provides supervised exercise, 教育, and counseling to help you improve your cardiovascular health and achieve your highest levels of function after experiencing a cardiac event.

You can benefit from cardiac rehabilitation if either of these are true for you:

  • Have experienced a heart attack, 或者有心绞痛, 充血性心力衰竭, or other forms of heart disease
  • Are recovering from stent placement, coronary artery bypass surgery, heart valve replacement or other cardiac procedures

Our skilled team provides individualized information and coaching to assist you with:

  • Promoting and improving cardiovascular fitness
  • Identifying and modifying cardiovascular risk factors
  • Engaging in consistent, life-long exercise routines
  • Learning how to make choices for a healthier lifestyle

Why should I participate in cardiac rehabilitation?

Cardiac rehabilitation promotes wellness through lifestyle changes that are essential for prevention of future heart-related events. 好处 of participation in cardiac rehabilitation include:

  • Stabilizing, slowing, and possibly reversing the progression of heart disease
  • Improving strength and endurance
  • Speeding up recovery processes
  • Enabling faster return to work and recreational activities
  • Helping with risk factors such as lowering cholesterol, 促进减肥, 降低血压, 改善血糖控制, 支持戒烟, 减少压力, 管理抑郁症



You might be referred to our program while you are still in the hospital. A member of our cardiac rehabilitation team will meet with you to discuss ways to lower your chance of having more heart problems in the future. 你经常休假, supervised walk accompanied by a cardiac rehabilitation team member to see how you feel and how you respond to light exercise.

Your doctor may recommend that you begin an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program after you have left the hospital. We will help you establish an appointment with our cardiac rehabilitation program or with a cardiac rehabilitation program close to your home when you are being discharged.


The outpatient program is a 6- to 12-week group exercise and 教育 program that includes weight training with aerobic exercises such as treadmill walking, 骑自行车, 划船, 爬楼梯, 还有手臂锻炼. In the 教育 portion of the program, you will learn about heart-healthy diets, 药物, 减压, 抑郁管理. In the exercise portion of the program, we adjust exercise levels to meet your specific muscle, 联合, 还有心脏问题, and provide guidelines for safe and effective exercise, including recommendations for regular home exercise.

At the conclusion of the outpatient program, you will receive both an "exercise prescription" for continuing your exercise and a referral to a maintenance exercise program.

Phase 3: Maintenance Exercise Program

The Maintenance Exercise Program is a supervised group exercise class for 1.每周两天,每次5小时. In this program you perform exercises independently of other participants while being monitored by our staff as needed. The maintenance program is a self-pay program with a low monthly fee.


The 心脏康复 program is peer-reviewed and accredited by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.